



你正在组织和准备去读研, 你已经缩小了你的名单, 现在是时候处理你的个人陈述了(有时也被称为意向书), 个人论文, 或目的声明). Writing a strong personal statement is essential for your graduate school application and will reflect your passion and potential, 但也会向招生委员会或教师展示你与其他申请人的不同之处. While students commonly assume their grades or test scores are the most important elements of their applications, the personal statement and recommendation letters often play an equally important role in your admission decision. 

Here are 10 tips to help you think about creating a compelling personal statement that increases your chances of acceptance: 

1. 研究你的计划,以证明适合.

It will be important for you to familiarize yourself with the graduate programs to which you are applying and then articulate in each statement why you’re a good fit for each individual program. 只要对你有帮助就行, 创建一个组织工具来跟踪每个机构的需求, 记下任何你必须解决的问题或提示. 了解你想要学习的课程的优势, 该项目正在寻找的学生类型, 让自己熟悉一下教职员工, 研究的机会, 独特的特点. 展示你的兴趣和经历如何与项目提供的内容相一致, 你可以在程序中添加什么, 以及这个项目将如何帮助你实现职业目标. 

2. 遵循指导方针,理解提示或问题. 

你对你想要的研究生项目和学校了解得越多, 你就越能展示你作为候选人的突出之处. 然而, 在某些信件要求中可能会有具体的要求, 而其他学校可能更加开放. 仔细阅读并遵守每个项目的申请指南. 注意字数或页数的限制, 格式要求, 以及你需要解决的任何具体问题或提示. 

重要提示: If you do not need to address specific prompts and all of your programs just ask you to write a personal statement or letter of intent describing your interests and career 目标, 为每个项目写单独的信! 写一封信肯定会节省你的时间, but make sure you at least adjust parts of your letter to include the correct school name and program and address any specific aspects of the program that are relevant to you. 例如, 如果你想要的研究生项目不提供研究机会, 但是你的信中描述了你对研究的热爱和在研究生项目中进行研究的意图, faculty and admissions representatives may perceive that you did not take the time to understand the curriculum and program outcomes and react unfavorably to your candidacy. 

即使你是一个优秀的学生和合格的候选人, most graduate programs want students that are going to be successful and their intentions are appropriately aligned with the program. If the faculty or admissions committee reading your essay feel like your 目标 aren’t aligned with the program, 你会失去被录取的机会的. The more you can show the reader that you did your due diligence and that you know the program outcomes well, 你就能更好地帮助那些承认你的人,让他们看到你是一个非常适合的人. 

虽然这是不言而喻的, 确保你在你的陈述中提到了正确的学校和项目. An incorrect school or program name may signal a lack of attention to detail and impact your chances of being admitted.  

3. 尽早开始并保持条理性.

人们常说,如果你没有做好准备,那你就是在准备失败. 对于自己的组织来说,越早越好, 尤其是当许多研究生院都有截止日期和紧迫的时间安排时. 给自己足够的时间来写和修改你的个人陈述. 早点开始可以让你头脑风暴, 反思你的经历, 构思一份结构良好的陈述, 并请人审阅和编辑. 这样,你就可以在截止日期前做好准备,并准备好你的意向书.  

4. 突出你的动机,展示你的经历.

研究生课程, 尤其是研究生院, 想要考虑那些对他们提供的课程感到兴奋的学生. 讨论你对你计划的项目的热情, 是什么激励你去申请呢, 以及你认为这个项目与你未来的职业目标是否一致. 分享研究项目等相关经验, 实习, 工作, 或者课外活动, 证明你在该领域的承诺和成就. Some institutional prompts will guide you in including some of these details; however, 你要向求职信的读者展示你的经历, 目标, 动机会让你非常适合他们的项目.  

5. 具体而具体.

当你想到自己的成就和优势时, 用具体的例子和轶事来说明你的观点. 避免含糊的陈述,并提供证据来支持你的主张. 这两者之间有很大的区别:  


作为该校可持续发展俱乐部的主席, 我组织并领导了多次校园和周边城镇的社区清理工作, 招募了100多名志愿者, 并成功收集了3个,000磅可回收材料. 另外, 我在宿舍和食堂发起了一场可持续发展意识运动, 这使我们在六个月内减少了20%的一次性塑料消耗.” 

6. 讨论你的优势,以及它们如何与你的计划相联系.

这是不言而喻的, 但是你的个人陈述给了你一个展示你有多棒的机会. 强调你独特的优势和技能,使你在其他申请者中脱颖而出. 举例说明你是如何利用这些品质来取得成功的. 向老师或招生委员会展示他们应该选择你的原因, 特别是如果你想要的研究生课程只录取有限数量的申请人. 

申请前, 考虑联系招生办公室, 与教师交谈, or connecting with student ambassadors at your target graduate programs to learn what traits are most important for successful applicants. Most schools can share what types of students do well in their programs and what faculty are looking for as they admit students. 将你的优势与正确的项目结合起来将帮助你获得最高的录取可能性. 

7. 深思熟虑地解决弱点.

令人惊讶的是, 你的个人陈述可能是你解决自己缺点的唯一机会, 如果你觉得合适的话,可以考虑这么做. 如果你有任何学术或专业上的弱点, 诚实地回答这些问题,并解释你是如何从这些经历中学习和成长的. 但这并不适用于所有人, your personal statement may be your only chance to provide an explanation for academic deficiencies to the admissions team or faculty members reading your essay. 

Were you a student in the COVID-19 pandemic and your grades only really faltered in the semester or two you were fully online? 作为一个理科专业的学生,你在学习上有困难吗, 换一个新节目, 然后在你的新课上大展身手? Did you do have a low GPA when you were a student but you’ve had a successful 20-year career with many accomplishments you can highlight?  

你的读者通常可以从你的成绩单和其他材料中推断出这些情况, 但是你可以考虑直接解决这些问题,因为你可能没有机会参加面试, 尤其是当你申请的学校和项目有数百名申请者的时候. 虽然你可以选择不在你的个人陈述中指出缺点, 这当然是需要考虑的.

8. 知道你的“为什么”,但不要写自传.

在你开始写个人陈述之前,一些自我反思可能会有所帮助. The faculty or admissions committee will want to know your “why” and this could naturally come out through your career 目标, 但是真正值得思考的是,是什么驱使你去读研究生. It can be helpful to do some introspecting and identify your academic and career 愿望 as you start to 工作 through your materials and prepare to apply.  

Clearly articulate your passion for the field and what drives you to pursue graduate studies and your intended program. 然而,要避免自传. 你可能会受到字数或页数的限制, 但不要错过分享你个人情况的机会. Did you experience something growing up in your community that drove you to pursue a certain major or internship? Are you 工作ing in a job now that you love (or don’t) and this opportunity will allow you to grow or switch to a new path? 仔细和深思熟虑地分享你的动机、激情和动力. 

9. 真诚和真实.

在一个数字机会触手可及的世界里, 在写个人陈述时很容易走捷径. Use your statement as an opportunity to 真诚的ly and authentically let your personality and enthusiasm for your graduate program shine through. 避免使用人工智能(A).I). 或者让别人帮你写信. 教师 and admissions committees can easily identify when letters of recommendation or personal statements are not authentic. 如果你提前做好准备并保持条理性, 这应该是应用程序中相对简单的一部分.

10. 编辑,修改,并获得反馈.

多写几份草稿,写得超出限制,然后彻底修改你的文章. 不要过于担心页数或字数的限制. 相反,自由地写,然后从那里修改和编辑到页数或字数限制. You'll have a much easier time writing your personal statement if you freely write your thoughts and ideas out on paper to start. 

一旦你准备好了个人陈述的草稿, 问信任的朋友, 家庭成员, 或者导师来审查它并提供建设性的反馈. 考虑他们的建议来进一步完善你的陈述. 自己读草稿可以帮助你消除语法错误,确保你的文字流畅. 你的陈述应该有一个逻辑顺序,并讲述一个线性的故事, 注意不要在你的陈述中重复类似的信息. 

在你完善了你的陈述并与他人一起审阅之后, 把它提交给你想要的研究生项目,然后喘口气! 


还记得, your personal statement provides an opportunity to present yourself holistically to the admissions committee by showcasing your unique qualities, 愿望, 以及对研究生项目的潜在贡献. 是真实的, 真诚的, 和有说服力的, and use your statement to share your unique story and academic and career 愿望 with the graduate programs to which you are applying. A strong personal statement will show the faculty or admissions reader why you are an undeniable fit for their programs.  

If you have questions about preparing your letter or would like an opportunity to review your draft with a member of our admissions team, 请联系网赌的十大网站研究生招生办公室
